

You are about to make a great 3-minute investment of your time. In just three minutes you will get an opportunity to learn how you see the world, and more importantly how the world sees you. Armed with this information you will be able to modify your actions and expectations to be more productive and effective. As you learn how to read the SOCIAL STYLES of others you can become more like them. As they say, people like people who are more like them! It's true!

SOCIAL STYLES is a tool for quickly assessing your preferred working style and the style of others. By answering the following questions we can provide you an overview of your predictable behaviors (strengths and weaknesses). Our plan is to continually update the customized report to include coaching tips and career success tips based on your style.


We chose SOCIAL STYLES because of its proven reputation for assessing personality strengths and potentials weaknesses. It is also the only assessment tool that can be determined simply based on behavioral cues meaning one can look at another and start to understand the type of style they are. In our career coaching program, we teach you how to do that.

The World’s Leading Interpersonal Skills Model

SOCIAL STYLE® is used by thousands of global organizations because it’s the Easiest to Learn, Teach, Remember, and Apply. Decades of research into workplace success have shown that all people are one of four SOCIAL STYLES, each with preferred ways of acting, thinking, and making decisions. Understanding those preferences, and applying Versatility strategies, helps you determine the best way to successfully interact with everyone.

What makes the Model unique?

What makes the SOCIAL STYLE Model unique AND effective? Behavior. SOCIAL STYLES is NOT a “personality” program like Myers-Briggs; it’s founded on valid and proven research and the focus on Observable Behaviors – how people Think, Act, and React. The power of SOCIAL STYLE happens we come to understand ourselves through the eyes of others, learn to modify our actions to better match other's needs, and observe again and again how relationships, communication, and influence with others improve.


The Analytical Style: Thoughtful, Reserved & Slow-paced

People with an Analytical Style are typically described by others as quiet, logical, and sometimes reserved or cautious. They tend to appear distant from others and may not communicate unless there is a specific need to do so.

The Driving Style: Controlling, Decisive & Fast-paced

People with a Driving Style are seen by others as direct, active, forceful, and determined. They initiate social interaction and they focus their efforts and the efforts of others on the goals and objectives they wish to get accomplished.

The Amiable Style: Friendly, Supportive & Relationship-driven

People with an Amiable Style openly display their feelings to others. They appear less demanding and generally more agreeable than others. They are interested in achieving a rapport with others who often describe them as informal, casual, and easy-going.

The Expressive Style: Enthusiastic & Emotional

People with an Expressive Style tend to be more willing to make their feelings known to others. They can appear to react impulsively and openly show both positive and negative feelings. They are typically described by others as personable, talkative, and sometimes opinionated.

The Power of SOCIAL STYLE is Versatility

Because SOCIAL STYLE is based on observable behavior you can quickly identify a person’s preferences and make informed choices to make that person comfortable. This ability to moderate your behavior is what we call Versatility. The SOCIAL STYLES Assessment measures Versatility so people can understand their strengths and weaknesses when working with others. And SOCIAL STYLE training teaches specific techniques to improve Versatility with people of each Style.

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Assertiveness vs. Responsiveness

According to the SOCIAL STYLE Model, some people prefer to take the lead in more assertive ways, speaking directly and frankly while focusing on the strategic objectives of their teams. Others prefer to respond to input from others, sharing their own ideas as a way to build upon others’. Assertiveness of Responsiveness tendencies are exhibited in a person’s communication style, conflict-management style, the job roles they are drawn to, and the way they perceive themselves and their contributions in the workplace.

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Emoting vs. Controlling

Some people express themselves outwardly in social settings, while others prefer to maintain control and distance. The SOCIAL STYLE Model has determined that the Expressive and Amiable styles display emotions openly and respond best to those who do the same. Their tendency to emote helps to build relationships in all directions at work, but it can have mixed effects on team cohesiveness. The Driving and Analytical Style tends to view displays of emotion as only being relevant in certain settings, not including the workplace.

It is important to remember that your SOCIAL STYLE is not written in stone. It is simply the style that is most natural to you. Once you are aware of what you do, and how it impacts others you can change what you need to.

Embedded in the SOCIAL STYLE report you receive will be career coaching tips based on your SOCIAL STYLE.

SOCIAL STYLES is developed and owned by Trakon. The following information is copyright to Trakon and is provided merely as a historical reference of SOCIAL STYLES. CNC does not claim any ownership at all.